About Us

Duke  Street   Medical Centre   originated  in  1960   when  Dr  Brian  Allen  and  his  wife  Maime  bought  the  original  building, small   four  roomed  cottage.   This little cottage   was transformed   into a medical centre   from   which Dr Allen practice as a General Practitioner   for 40 years.   Maime assisted at various  times   – when  raising   their   family   of  four   children allowed!- as his Practice  Nurse. In  1995 Dr John  Mowat  joined    the  Practice  and  the  first major alterations   to  the  building occurred.  This  became  the  first   “wing”   of  our  present  centre.   In  1999 the  second  wing was added  and  Medlab came  on  site  as well.  By  this  time  Brian  was  looking  to  retire   and  a replacement   for  him  was keenly  sort.   Dr  David  Srinivasagam  bought  into   the  Practice  and  took   over   the  care  of  Brian’s   patients   in 2000 since he and  Dr Mowat   continued  as sole  General Practitioners in a Company arrangement.

In 2003 the third  wing  was added  and  we became a large  Medical Centre with various other medical professionals   working  from   here.   These included an  Osteopath, Optician,  Podiatrist,  Diabetes  Nurse  Educator,  and  Midwives  from Pohlen Maternity Hospital.  At  about    this  time  Dr David  Bridge   was approached to join us and he shifted here  from   his  centre   in Neal  Street    in  2003.     In 2004 Dr Mowat   suffered  a major   stroke and  despite  all  that   could  possibly  be  done  he  was  unable to return here to  practice his profession.  Locums  were  employed  to provide  medical care  for  the  patients   enrolled  with   Dr  Mowat   until   we  were able  to  find  a long term   replacement.   Dr Hamilton  moved to Karapiro in 2005 and  her  Practice  was  taken  over   by  Dr  Rosie  Hill  who  also commutes  daily   from   Horahora  and  in August 2009.

In 2005    a clinic  in  Tirau  was  opened after   twelve   months  of  planning  and  building  and  gave   the   Tirau  community access to  a Doctor   every   morning,  five  days  a week.  This  gave  us  the  opportunity    to  change  our  name   and  we became  known   as Putaruru- Tirau   Family  Doctors  to  incorporate   both   sites.   Dr  Bridge   ran  this  clinic   each  morning. In 2007    Dr Bridge   became aware   of  problems  involving  his mobility.   In August  of  that  year   he  was     diagnose with  Motor   Neurone  Disease, and  sadly  passed away  in September  2007. This  was  a very   difficult   time   for  all of  us involved  at  the  Clinic  both   emotionally  and  physically  with   the  extra   workload  placed   on  everyone   while  a replacement   was  found   and  the  ownership  and  financial issues  were  resolved.   Dr Hill  bought  Dr  Bridge’  shares   in  the Company  and joined    Dr  Srinivasagam  in  the  ownership  of  Putaruru- Tirau  Family   Doctors  Ltd   in  November   2010. In 2017 Dr Amrin Sulaiman enquire Putaruru-Tirau Family Doctors Ltd and bought share in the company

We have Pathlab on site,  Podiatry  service,  Osteopath Ear Nurse Specialist,  Diabetes  Nurse Educator,  Mental Health Nurse and Psychiatrist.   As a teaching  Practice  we halt Registrars  training  for  their  General Practitioners   Registration   with  us throughout   the year.  They are a pleasure to have here and they are much appreciated.   To have five permanent   Doctors  would be a tuxury  for us and would qive us the opportunity    to provide  increased  services  to our patients   and give me the manpower  to give my Doctors much needed leave. Puteruru- Tirau Family Doctors  achieved  Cornerstone  Accreditation    in 2006,  an  chievement   we are very proud  of. We have undertaken  Re-Accreditation,   a three yearly  “check  up”  to ensure  that  we are maintaining   our high standards  and services  to our community.